Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

Latest Episodes

218: You Can Have Both! – Minisode
December 29, 2021

B”H G-d can do anything. He doesn’t need to take away your wealth in order to grant you some other blessing. We have to get this. We have to have bitachon (trust) in G-d’s infinite abundance and kindn

217: Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, Marriage Coach
December 26, 2021

B”H What happens if you’re a woman who’s climbing the ranks of your career or business and a gap is widening between you and your husband? Well, one option, for many is divorce. My guest today says th

216: Marni Batista, Founder of The Institute for Living Courageously
December 20, 2021

B”H Are the choices you’re making stemming from your highest self, or are you following a path that considers all your material wants and desires, without acknowledging the need of your soul? You’re l

215: Ask Yael
December 17, 2021

B”H What does being a saver or a spender have to do with the concept of “Ein Od Milvado”? Help, I know nothing about investing money? And, what do you say to those who are scared about investing? Thes

214: Chana & Dave Mason, Authors of The Cash Machine
December 13, 2021

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Money Matters, I’m Yael Trusch, your host, welcome to the show. Today I have the awesome power duo, Chana & Dave Mason. Entrepreneurs independently and in their own righ

213: Ask Yael
December 10, 2021

B”H Do I invest in a fixed income annuity for retirement? Can I open an HSA account on my own if my employer doesn’t offer one? Yael walks us through what these terms mean, and things to consider. You

212: Jay Steinfeld, Founder of and Author of Lead from the Core, the Four Principles for Profit & Prosperity
December 06, 2021

B”H What would it be like to go to work every day and feel inspired, have fun, feel free to experiment and fail, and look forward to evolving? This is the type of consciousness that my guest today int

211: Removing the Expression Giving Back From Our Lexicon
December 02, 2021

B”H Is “Giving BACK” an expression we should be using? In this episode Yael questions the use of the phrase “giving back” due to its subtle implication that making $ is “taking” money. What is a diffe

210: Got Light? A Message of Jewish Pride This Chanukah
November 29, 2021

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Money Matters, I’m Yael Trusch, Your Host! It’s Monday, November 29th, the 25th day of the month of Kislev – first day of Chanukah 5782. I have a great message for you t

209: Why & How to Give Chanukah Gelt
November 26, 2021

B”H In this episode Yael discusses the reason behind the tradition to give Chanukah Gelt (not the chocolate kind, although we like that too!) and some ideas and tips on how to give Gelt to your childr
