Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

293: Bringing Bitachon Into Your Business

December 05, 2022


On this episode, I speak all about Bringing Bitachon (Trust) Into Your Business. Whether you’re in business or not, believe me, I think you will gain something from this. What you’re about to hear was my presentation at the wonderful Frum Service Providers’ In Business Summit, hosted by Temima Gass. 

Temima Gass is the founder of Uncommon Strategy, and she helps female business owners with everything technology related. You can learn more about Temima on LinkedIn and/or you can reach out to her at

Be sure to join me on the 5-day retreat,  I’m Ready: 5 Days to Discover Jewish Secrets that Will Make You Richer starting December 12th. It’s always a ton of value and a ton of fun. So don’t miss it, head over to

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