Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

206: Ask Yael

November 05, 2021


You’re listening to Jewish Money Matters, I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Friday Nov. 5, Rosh Chodesh Kislev. Welcome back to another Ask Yael Episode. This coming week I’m headed to Miami to speak for Wizo – Womens International Zionist Organization in Bal Harbour, Florida. I’m so excited!  If you’re in the Miami area, I hope you’ll be there joining me and supporting WIZO’s extraordinary work. The event is at 11:00 am, and you do have to register, because it is in a private home. The topic? G-d Wants You to Be Rich. I think you don’t want to miss it! How do you register? You head over to or you call the office at 305-861-8860. All of this information is also on my instagram. You can also DM me if you need it again. I really hope to see all the Miami listeners there!
Today we answer questions on Jewish meditation, money dates, and finding the work that lights you up!

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You’re listening to Jewish Money Matters, I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Friday Nov. 5, Rosh Chodesh Kislev. Welcome back to another Ask Yael Episode. This coming week I’m headed to Miami to speak for Wizo – Womens International Zionist Organization in Bal Harbour, Florida. I’m so excited!  If you’re in the Miami area, I hope you’ll be there joining me and supporting WIZO’s extraordinary work. The event is at 11:00 am, and you do have to register, because it is in a private home. The topic? G-d Wants You to Be Rich. I think you don’t want to miss it! How do you register? You head over to or you call the office at 305-861-8860. All of this information is also on my instagram. You can also DM me if you need it again. I really hope to see all the Miami listeners there!
Today we answer questions on Jewish meditation, money dates, and finding the work that lights you up!

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