Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

199: Heather Chauvin, Leadership Coach and Author

October 17, 2021


What things would be different in your life, if you were willing to get uncomfortable? Sometimes really uncomfortable? What would be the payoff of having those uncomfortable conversations, making wildly uncomfortable decisions, and behaving in ways that you resist, and would rather avoid than feel the discomfort. I promise this episode is not about self-torture in any way; on the contrary. You’re listening to Jewish Money Matters, I’m Yael Trusch your Host. Today’s conversation will give you tons to think about. Tons! My guest is Heather Chauvin, Leadership Coach, Host of Mom Is In Control Podcast & Author of Dying to Be a Good Mother. 
Heather’s diagnosis with Stage 4 cancer was the kick in the rear that my guest today says she needed to prioritize her finances and build a rich life – in every sense of the word. I feel this conversation, which I had early on in September, is so timely. For one it’s October, breast cancer awareness month. And two, on a personal level, possibly due to my conversation with Heather, as well as the things I learned in Elul during Rabbi Nivin’s Elul Bootcamp, I’m taking a much more strategic look at how I manage my time. Also, at the tendency to take care of things for others, and/or things that I’m “supposed” to do, but not necessarily what is really of the essence. So, last week I took the week off completely. Well, not completely perhaps, but pretty much. I also went for my mammogram, which I’m embarrassed to say I had been pushing off for way way too long. I felt so proud of myself that I did it and I said, this is getting done every year, no matter what. I also have started exercising again! Which again, is so, so important, based on my yearly plan that I made back in Elul. Sometimes we just have to do things one time, and feel the success to propel us and so that our brain says, “ah yes, i’m a person who takes care of my health,” or “I’m a person who takes care of my finances,” or “I’m a person who nurtures my marriage.” What’s really important in life? Are you taking care of it or is it falling through the cracks? The tradeoff… it’s just not worth it! 
Heather and I talk about her diagnosis. The changes she decided to make in her life, as a parent, wife, business owner. What were the financial decisions she had to make as a result of that diagnosis and how did she navigate those. Today she is cancer free, debt free and running a seven figure business. Here’s the lovely and insightful Heather Chauvin. 
You can find Heather at and you can subscribe to her podcast, Mom is In Control on your favorite podcast platform. Her book is Dying to Be A Good Mother: How I Dropped the Guilt & Took Control of My Parenting and My Life 

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