Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

Episode 140: Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler, Author & Adult Educator

November 23, 2020


Have you noticed an increased awakening or interest towards Judaism from non-Jews? Is that something that you’ve seen in your corner of the world? And could it be connected to a Messianic Era? How? You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess, I’m Yael Trusch, your Host, welcome to the show. Today we get to talk about redemption. But, we arrive at it from a unique angle, as we explore it the context of the increased interest the non-Jewish world has in Torah and Judaism. And to elaborate more on that we have the fabulously eloquent Dr. Rivka Lambert Adler. But before I bring her on, I want to first wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! 
And while we’re on the topic of the Holiday season, did you hear that I’m in the Real Simple Magazine Holiday issue? Yes, my financial tip was included in an article on how to save money this Holiday season. I would love for you to check it out and tell me what you thought of what I said about Hanukkah and gift giving in Real Simple Magazine. In fact, what I’ll be doing now through Friday December 4th is giving one of you the opportunity to win a 12 month subscription to Real Simple Magazine. Here are the giveaway instructions:

* take a picture with the Holiday Issue of Real Simple. (Could be just you and the cover, or with it open to the page where I’m featured)
* post your picture on your IG Stories tagging me @jewishlatinprincess and @real_simple.

On December 4th one of you will be selected at random and will win a 12 mo subscription of Real Simple. The contest applies only to US Residents.
Now let’s go to the review section of iTunes. But, before I do that, I have to send a public apology to one of my listeners and reviewers whose date I totally missed. I was really looking forward to our date and somehow my calendar got messed up and I missed our scheduled time. So Danielle, if you’re listening, I sent you an email already, but shoot me an email back and we’ll try to set that up again.
Ok, so let’s hope that doesn’t continue to happen. I definitely have been having some iCloud issues both my calendar and with my computer storage. Very frustrating. Anyhoo, let’s pick a reviewer of the week: 
This review comes from fun game, lots of issues – that’s a funny itunes name. She titles this review Hooked and says, “I’ve only listened to a few shows, but I’m hooked. I love the topics Yael addresses and her eloquence in speaking about them. She gets to the core of issues that are facing Jewish women universally.”
Well thank you fun game, lots of issues. I hope you stick around and binge listen cuz indeed there are a ton of great episodes. Send me an email yaelatjewishlatinprincess and we’ll set up a time to connect and chat over the phone. 
And now for my guest today. First of all this is a different kind of interview. I don’t think we’ve really ever covered this topic before – perhaps somewhat with Genie Milgrom, but not really, this is quite unique. I have Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler. She is the author of Ten From The Nations: Torah Awakening Among Non-Jews. She is a writer and adult Jewish educator with a special interest in geulah, and in the non-Jewish awakening to Torah happening in our days.  Did you know about this? I’m sure you did on some level, but today you get to learn about it more in depth.
Of course, the question is why focus on this when arguably amongst us, the Jews, there’s still so much work to be done when it comes to Torah true education. You will love her take on it. Has there been controversy around Dr.
