Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

Episode 130: Yael Trusch on The Spiritual Side of Money

July 13, 2020

You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome to the show! I pushed my schedule episode another week, when I saw this interview landed in my inbox. It’s my appearance in the Within Us Podcast by Dr. Azi Jancovik on The Spiritual Side of Money. I say things that I don’t think you’ve heard me say before, and it was such a meaningful conversation that I wanted to share it with all of you. 
I also want to share that I’m starting Jewish Money Makeover again and invite you to join! I have limited spots and the reason is that, as my students can attest, I go all in. I’m there with you all the way. Plus, the small size gives me the ability to customize lessons, exercises, and even guest experts, according to my groups’ needs.
So, if you’re someone who is ready to:

* infuse some Jewish wisdom into your financial life,
* learn some really sound and practical skills that will transform the way you think, speak and behave around money, and
* begin to build wealth…

Join me on Jewish Money Makeover, starting this Sunday, July 19 at 9 pm EST. And wait, the best part is that I’m offering a $50 discount to anyone who signs up by July 14. So, hurry because I have limited spots. Head over to Jewish Latin to learn more and enroll in Jewish Money Makeover. If you do so by July 14, you will see your $50 discount at checkout!
I’d be so thrilled to have some of my podcast listeners inside my class. Believe me, we bond, we bond a lot. I’m there with you 8 weeks full on, holding your hand and pushing you out of your comfort zone, as well. So, join me: Jewish Latin
Now, I’m going to head over to the iTunes page and pick a review. As I told you, I will be picking a review every week and sharing it here. So, if you’ve been enjoying this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes and if I pick your review, you will be able to schedule a 20 min call with me where we just chat and you can ask me any questions about life, career, money, or anything else you think I can offer some perspective on. I’m all ears, so head over to the iTunes review section and leave that review. 
So, let’s see… Today I have a review from danilleaviv. Her review is titled, “a beautiful blend of intelligence and fun” And she says, “I love this podcast. Yeah is a joy to listen to and interviews some of the most inspiring Jewish women doing a plethora of interesting things. Her questions are thought-provoking and she is so eloquent and well spoken. Yael is a wonderful podcast host, always directing the conversation in a meaningful way. I highly recommend this podcast! Looking forward to more episodes.”
Thank You so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying! By the way, last week’s episode with Dorice Horenstein was amazing. If you haven’t listened, you must. And to my lovely reviewer, send me an email at and let me know that your’e the danielleaviv who sent the review and we will schedule a time to chat...
