Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

Episode 125: Leigh Ioffe, Suicide Prevention Educator & Author

May 20, 2020


Welcome to Jewish Latin Princess! I’m Yael Trusch, your Host! I said in my newsletter last week to please feel free to reach out via email or Instagram DM if you’re feeling a bit down, or unsettled by this whole pandemic. Rollercoasters are a bit more enjoyable if a friend is sitting next to us! And I know a number of you have reached out and we’ve been able to talk about some things that are going on in your lives. I’m also going to share some of these important questions in an upcoming Ask Yael episode.
Speaking of questions, we’ve been working on some deep money mindset questions at my course, Jewish Money Makeover. I launched this course last month and this is week 3 of the course. It’s been a pretty awesome experience. So, I will do it again in some shape or form, perhaps not exactly the way I did it now, perhaps some content I will tweak, number of participants etc. I have to see what’s the best way to continue adding value. But one thing is for sure, this is here to stay.
So, if you were curious the first time, but didn’t join head over to so that I know that you’re interested. Those people on the waiting list are the ones I will open the course to first. And once it fills, it fills. I probably won’t be launching a massive course for now because there’s a lot of coaching that is involved in the process and I want this to continue to be super high touch experience, with me, and among the members of the group. So, Jewish Latin
I also wanted to acknowledge those of you who have filled out the listener survey! I’m glad I requested it again, because there definitely was a big bump in survey entries. I do need a bit more entries to feel like the survey accurately reflects the Jewish Latin Princess audience.
We have grown, ladies! This podcast has grown tremendously. Which is a great opportunity for me to welcome any of you who are newer to the show. Some of you have written expressing how glad you were to have discovered it etc. Some of you have even been so kind to leave reviews on iTunes! I will be sharing some of those! Thank You very much.
I still want to give the survey a bit more time, because I’d rather get more data than have to run one of these again in 3 months. And also, because I realize that we’re not commuting as much due to the pandemic and so, many of us are not listening to podcasts as regularly as we used to. So, I know I have to give it time. I know I’m totally behind on my usual shows. But, if you are here and you haven’t filled out that listener survey, please head over to and fill it out. It literally takes 30 seconds. And yes, once I close it I will be raffling off those $10 Amazon gift cards! I’m all about the gifts, so, just for fun, I’m raffling these off to 20 participants. We have more than 20 entries already, but we need more so that the data can reflect the reality – which is that there’s a lot more of you here listening! And I totally thank you for that!
Before I introduce my guest I have a freebie for you:
