Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

Episode 54: Sefirat HaOmer, Something Just Doesn’t Add Up!

April 20, 2018

Sefirat HaOmer: Something Just Doesn’t Add Up!
Here’s a short message on Sefirat HaOmer, the Counting on the Omer, originally seen in my column that I write monthly for The Jewish Herald Voice. You may have seen this on Jewish Latin Princess’ Facebook page as well, but since I know some of you like audio, here you go! And by the way, are you still counting Sefirah with a blessing? I’m not! Ironically, just this week, when this was published is when I missed a day. I was soooo disappointed. I was on such good track. I really thought this year I would make it. I do have to say had I kept the app on my phone maybe all would be good still. I took it out because I needed the memory on my phone and then I think all went downhill from there… Anyways, here you go, Sefirat HaOmer: Something Just Doesn’t Add Up!
Related Post: Counting the Omer App
Related Post: Sefirat HaOmer, Make Every Day Count

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Sefirat HaOmer: Something Just Doesn’t Add Up!
Here’s a short message on Sefirat HaOmer, the Counting on the Omer, originally seen in my column that I write monthly for The Jewish Herald Voice. You may have seen this on Jewish Latin Princess’ Facebook page as well, but since I know some of you like audio, here you go! And by the way, are you still counting Sefirah with a blessing? I’m not! Ironically, just this week, when this was published is when I missed a day. I was soooo disappointed. I was on such good track. I really thought this year I would make it. I do have to say had I kept the app on my phone maybe all would be good still. I took it out because I needed the memory on my phone and then I think all went downhill from there… Anyways, here you go, Sefirat HaOmer: Something Just Doesn’t Add Up!
Related Post: Counting the Omer App
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