Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

341: An Honest Look at Honesty Part 1 with Rabbi Sholom Lipskar

August 01, 2023


Full disclosure, transparency, honesty. These are some of the things we talk about today during part one of a two part series on Jewish Money Matters, An Honest Look At Honesty, brought to you by Project 432, the educational arm of The Aleph Institute, preventing people from making financial mistakes which could lead them to prison, destroying their lives and their family’s lives.

With me today is Rabbi Sholom Lipskar, Founder and Head Rabbi of The Shul of Bal Harbour. Rabbi Lipskar is also the Founder of the Aleph Institute, a national Jewish education and humanitarian organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for the incarcerated.

Responding to the cries of those in prison, The Aleph Institute has recently founded Project 432, turning hindsight into foresight; helping Jewish individuals like you and me achieve the highest Torah and legal standards and build lives of integrity and peace of mind. We’re talking about prevention. We’re talking about avoiding financial business and legal mistakes, going down a slippery slope that can lead to incarceration and rip apart lives.

Today we learn all about the Jewish perspective on prison. We talk about the root causes that might lead a person to commit a crime that might seem innocent, yet have life altering consequences. We take a look at this from a macro perspective, from the perspective of parents – what could we be doing better in shaping the character and moral fiber of our children? We look at it as spouses. What could spouses be doing better so that financial pressures don’t lead one spouse down a very slippery slope? What if one of the spouses has an intuition that something in the way the finances are being managed is not 100% kosher? We talk about that too, and much more with Rabbi Lipskar.

A little bit more about Rabbi Lipskar:

He was appointed a Shliach (Emissary) by the The Lubavitcher Rebbe in 1969 to Miami, Florida. He has been an Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies at Florida International University. Rabbi Lipskar served on the Miami Beach Commission of Housing in 1981.  He is the chief organizer of the premier biennial International Torah and Science Conference since 1987. In 2004, he founded the Chaim Yakov Shlomo College of Jewish Studies offering Bachelors and Masters degrees in Hebrew Letters, and Rabbinical Ordination, attracting students from across the globe. Among many more achievements lies The Aleph Institute and Project 432 as I mentioned before. This is a deep and enlightening conversation that can create a real paradigm shift about how you view your life, and the lives of those around you, and thus the decisions you ultimately make. Here’s the most brilliant Rabbi Sholom Lipskar.

The post 341: An Honest Look at Honesty Part 1 with Rabbi Sholom Lipskar appeared first on Yael Trusch.
