Jewish History Soundbites

Jewish History Soundbites

The Chernobyl Crisis: Chernobyl Part II

December 19, 2020

At the turn of the twentieth century, the various Chernobyl dynasties were flourishing though they faced financial crisis. With World War One and the subsequent Russian Revolution, they all began to face an existential crisis. Though some branches of the dynasty heroically tried to sustain life under increasingly adverse conditions within the Soviet Union, most chose emigration.Rachmastrivka to the Holy Land, Trisk to Poland, Skver to Romania, Tolna, Makarov, Chernobyl and Hornosteipel to the United States. In each of their new locales, attempts were made to rebuild Chernobyl. With the decimation of the Holocaust, it was up to places like New Square in New York to give a rebirth to the Chernobyl dynasty. Subscribe To Our Podcast on: PodBean: Follow us on Twitter or Instagram at @JsoundbitesYou can email Yehuda at