Jesus Pattern Son

Jesus Pattern Son

God Loves You, Gives You…. ALL THINGS…. WHAT??? No, that is not what we were told.

November 03, 2024
God Loves Us!

Wow! Huge revelation to me! Right there in John 3! A doctrine that I wondered about for a long long time. A shaft of light that set me free from the worst of the Move. Here it is, aimed at my Move-informed friends.

Posperity Gospel

God Loves You, Gives You…. ALL THINGS…. WHAT??? No, that is not what we were told.We were told that we were called to a life of death, of laying down the Christ life, of poverty, and no enjoyment. We were led to believe anyone who preached like this must be heart hardened and materialistic.

Quite aside from the possibility that some who preach prosperity are materialistic, what does the Bible really say? I unpack the Scripture today, from face value and what Holy Spirit illumined to me. I get personal, in hopes that it will help other Move and ex-Move friends.

Please let me Hear From You — Accepting Preaching Engagements

Please let me hear from you. I have pretty much fulfilled my God-given assignment of re-preaching the sonship message. I expected to get a lot more response. Actually, I expected to get lots of hate from those whose income, even if paltry, comes from the power they get in the Move. Maybe I have avoided that? Maybe not quite? Or maybe I have avoided any notice at all. LOL.  Well, please tell me if I am helping you.

Please reach out for preaching engagements, as well.  Limited time budget, as I am asked to speak and consult elsewhere, so please invite me quickly.

I have other projects and may move on if I don’t hear from you.  The ox shouldn’t be starved. And the worker should not all her life do more than 2 people could do! LOL  We are meant to share.

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