Jesus Collective Podcast

Postures and Practices of a Jesus-Centred Church in Post-Christian Canada
Join us for another episode of our Practitioners Series where we learn how Jesus-centred churches are seeking to be on mission with Jesus.
More and more in North America and Europe, the Church and Christianity are seen as irrelevant, insular, and offering little to make life better for secular communities. The message of Jesus is always good news, but churches can struggle making that good news relevant in their communities. The Tabernacle Christian Church (The Tab) in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada is quietly being good news to their city.
We chat with Lead Pastor Frank Allen and Community Life Pastor Heidi Schaaf from the Tab about how the postures and practices they embody help them be good news for their secular community. We explore how they’re giving their building to their community, how they’re supporting drug-afflicted communities, at-risk youth, and Indigenous communities, stories of people becoming new Christians or rediscovering Jesus during COVID, and lots more.