Jesus is Better: Bible Stories with Gospel Joy

Latest Episodes
Good-bye For Now
Thank you so much to those of you who prayed for me to recover from Covid back in April. Though the brain fog and fatigue hung on for months, the Lord has graciously restored my health. Ive enjoyed
Episode 122: Jonah Flees from God
In this episode, we see how gracious, loving, tender, and kind God is toward those who repent and that we need Gods help to have that attitude toward others. With your kids: Talk about what you could
Episode 121: Amos Calls Israel to Seek the Lord and Live
In this episode, Finn and I talk about a shepherd prophet and how the message is the same for us. Seek the Lord and live! With your kids: Ask your children how they would explain the holiday of Easter
Episode 120: 2 Kings 16, 2 Chronicles 28 and Micah– Offerings That Please the Lord
In this episode, Ahaz chooses to go to the king of Assyria for help instead of the One True God. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to change our hearts from thinking we know best to submitting to o
Episode 119: 2 Kings 15-16 and 2 Chron. 27-28 Jotham Believes But Ahaz Fails
In this episode, we see how God shows His power and blessing through the reign of Jotham and His compassion and judgment through the reign of Ahaz, and that God is the one who delivers us from all our
Episode 118: 2 Kings 15 and 17 The Last Kings of Israel
In this episode, Finn and I talk about the sad ending of the northern kingdom and how God wants to free us from our own idolatry. With your kids: What is something you really love? Pray together that
Episode 117: Bedtime Verses for Resting in Jesus
This episode is a compilation of encouraging and hope-filled verses to listen to at night or any time youre feeling discouraged. And a huge thanks to Blue Dot Sessions, Chad Crouch, and Nuno Adelaida
Episode 116: 2 Kings 15 and 2 Chronicles 26 Uzziah Starts Well But Turns From the Lord
In this episode, we talk about Uzziahs sin in the temple and Isaiahs worship in the temple and that Jesus came to be the perfect Prophet, Priest, and King of our hearts. With your kids: Pick one of
Episode 115: 2 Kings 14 and 2 Chronicles 25 Amaziah is Humbled
In this episode, Finn and I talk about who King Amaziah started listening to, and how God loves to help those of us who are joined to him listen to him instead of those who dont follow Him. With you
Episode 114: 2 Kings 13 God Shows Kindness to Jehoahaz, Jehoash, and Jeroboam
In this episode, Finn and I talk about Gods kindness in rescuing the Israelite kings and how in Christ, we are saved for so much more! With your kids: Whats scary about dying? Is there anything you