Jesus 911

Jesus 911

Latest Episodes

16 Sep 24 – Spiritual Warfare, Communism and Religion
September 16, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1) Father Chad Ripperger -Spiritual Warfare and Communism - Religion - 2, 3, 4)In Part 40 of this series, Jesse and Anita discuss "Sins

13 Sep 24 – Yale Divinity Students Forced to Read Witch’s Spell
September 13, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1)Yale divinity students forced to read from witchs spell at orientation - 2

12 Sep 24 – Is “Being Slain in the Spirit” Biblical?
September 12, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1, 2, 3, 4) Is the phenomenon of being "slain in the Spirit" biblical?

11 Sep 24 – Debate Analysis & “Supernovena” Book Study
September 11, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1)An analysis of the Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris - 2, 3, 4) Invitation to supernovena book study by Kyle Clement

10 Sep 24 – Peronism Is Why Francis Disregards Tradition
September 10, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1, 2)Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis' Peronism helps explain his "disregard for Tradition'"

09 Sep 24 – Saint Michael Archangel Saved Her Life
September 09, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1)Saint Michael Archangel saved her life and arranged a visit of Our Lady of Fatima

06 Sep 24 – Operation Mockingbird Is Satanic
September 06, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1, 2, 3, 4)Operation Mockingbird

05 Sep 24 – Vatican II: A Premeditated Break with the Past
September 05, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1, 2) Vatican II: A premeditated break with the past - 3, 4) Charismatic Renewal bewitchin

04 Sep 24 – Obama’s Pocket Idol
September 04, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1)Barak Obama, who once said we live in a post Christian era, carries a Hindu monkey-god idol (Hanuman) in his pocket - 2, 3) Ma

03 Sep 24 – A Reflection on American Providentialism
September 03, 2024

Today's Topics: - 1, 2) Would God stop an assassins bullet? A reflection on American Providentialism