What Jesus Says

What Jesus Says

Latest Episodes

What Jesus Says...Considering the Cost
May 12, 2023

Jos 24:15; 1Jo 2:15; Mat 6:24; Luk 14:19;Mar 8:36

What Jesus Says...The Spirit of The Living God
May 05, 2023

Gen 1:1; John 1:1; Mat 12:31; Rom 8:21; James 5:15; Eph 6:18;Jun 1:20; John 16:13; John 20:22; Act 1:8;2Cor 3:1; Gal 3:23; 1John 5:7

What Jesus Says...Persistence
April 28, 2023

Mat 15:14; Luk 18:1; Gal 6:9; Jam 1:12; Rom 5:3

What Jesus Says...Knowing Those That Labor Among You
April 21, 2023

2 Tim 3:5; Jer 23; Rom 10:14; Mat 23:27; Mat 7:15; 1 Jon 2:19Jn 6:64;

What Jesus Says...Enter The New Covenant
April 07, 2023

Mark 11:1; Mat 27:23; Luk 23:27

What Jesus Says...Secret Sins
March 31, 2023

Luke 8:17; Luke 12:2-3 Prov 28:13; Psalm 90:8; 2 kings 17:9; Josh 7:1; Acts 5:1 1Sam 15:9-21

What Jesus Says...Guilt
March 24, 2023

Gen 4:8; 2Sam 12:1; Mat 27:3; Luk 22:54; ; Psalm 51; 1; Heb 8:12; Eph 1:7; 1John 1:9

What Jesus Says...The Last Days
March 17, 2023

2Pet3:4; Mat24:42;2TI3:1;Luk21:25:Mat25:1;1Jo2:18;2Pet3:10

What Jesus Says...Timing
February 24, 2023

What Jesus Says...Deception
February 17, 2023

Gen 3:1 Psalm 101:7; Prov 6:16; Rom 16:18 Gal 6:7-8; Mat 24:24; Psalm 36:3; Jer 17;9; Col 2:8; 1Pet 3:10; 1Pet 2:1