Jessup Think

Jessup Think

Latest Episodes

Global Christianity Pt 1
October 22, 2019

Mark and Rex discuss the explosive growth of Christianity in Africa, Latin America, and Southern Asia.

October 08, 2019

Mark and Rex discuss the growing and vocal movement of ex-evangelicals and highlight key causes for this movement away from the evangelical label. They also discuss the postChristian leap that many make, especially some recent high profile figures within

The Real Indiana Jones
September 24, 2019

Dr. Cynthia Shafer-Elliot joins Mark to discuss her role as a field archeologist. Dr. Shafer-Elliot has been digging in Israel for over a decade and is currently part of the archaeological excavation team at Tell Halif, Israel. She just might…

Historical Jesus
September 10, 2019

PhD Candidate and Adjunct Professor Mikel Del Rosario sits down with Mark to discuss current issues in historical Jesus studies.

Ancient Christian Practices Pt 3
August 27, 2019

Professor Matt Godshall joins Rex and Mark in the studio to finish out their series on ancient Christian practices. Matt discuss the importance of Lectio Divina in his own spiritual life as the three attempt to demystify contemplative prayer.  

Ancient Christian Practices Pt 2
August 13, 2019

In Part 2 Mark and Rex zoom in on the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola and his Examen prayer.The pair explore how the pracitces of a 16th century Spanish monk are more relevant today than ever.

Ancient Christian Practices Pt 1
July 30, 2019

Mark and Rex begin a three part series on ancient Christian practices by discussing how the great disciplines of the Church have played a pivotal role in both of their spiritual lives.

Are You Not Entertained?
July 16, 2019

Professor of Christian Thought Brad Swope joins Rex and Mark to explore violence as entertainment. Does the Christian faith inlfuence the way we consume violent sports, violent video games, or violence in television or film?

Language & Theology
July 05, 2019

English professor Portia Hopkins joins Mark and Rex to discuss the role language plays in theology. They note that all theology is shaped by language and it is extremely important for the church and the Christian today to be aware…

Moral Therapeutic Deism, Say What?
June 18, 2019

Jackson Arnett sits down with Mark and Rex as the first Jessup student guest to discuss Moral Therapuetic Deism. MTD was coined by researchers studying the spiritual life of the average American teenager to summarize their majority belief that God…