The Jeremy Roberts Podcast

The Jeremy Roberts Podcast

Ep 57: Daniel Im

November 29, 2016

In this episode, Jeremy interviews Daniel Im from (a part of LifeWay) and Teaching Pastor at The Fellowship in Nashville, TN. They discuss multiplication, leadership, and global Church ministry.

* In your role as Director of multiplication for LifeWay and, you offer all kinds of digital ways to multiply in church planting and multisite: a blog, podcast, online courses, etc. What are some keys to teaching people, from a digital perspective?
* You have worked closely with Ed Stetzer for several years. What are some of the key things you’ve learned from him about church multiplication?
* As you survey the landscape of evangelicalism, what are some trends you’re noticing, in relation to church multiplication?
* You serve at the former Two Rivers Baptist Church, now known as  “The Fellowship,” as one of the teaching pastors. Something unique about this church is that there is purposefully no lead pastor. How does that work, from a leadership perspective?
* You’ve ministered all over the globe: Canada, Korea, and in the States. What are some things the American church should learn from Korean and/or Canadian churches?


* Twitter – @danielsangi
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