

Latest Episodes

Jacob Was a Refugee
November 26, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Va-Yeitzei (November 20, 2015), as the country debates resettling Syrian refugees in the wake of the Paris terror attacks, some moral clarity from the Torah and from Jewish history.    

Why Conservative Judaism Matters
November 19, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Tol’dot (November 13, 2015), as the Conservative Movement gathers for its biennial convention in Chicago, a reflection on its enduring importance.  

Why Sodom Was Destroyed
November 05, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Va-Yera (October 30, 2015), why the destruction of an ancient city has enduring relevance for our world.  

A Better Lion, and a Better You
October 29, 2015

Rabbi Knopf's Friday message for Parashat Noah (October 16, 2015), what the behavior of the animals on Noah's Ark can teach us about being our best selves.  

David’s Fallen Sukkah
October 16, 2015

Rabbi Knopf's Saturday message for Shabbat Sukkot (October 3, 2015), Rabbi Knopf unpacks an enduring Sukkot mystery.  

The Sukkah and the Hurricane
October 14, 2015

Rabbi Knopf's Friday message for Shabbat Sukkot (October 2, 2015), how building and dismantling a Sukkah prepares us for life. -  

The Sukkah as Spiritual Conditioning
October 12, 2015

Rabbi Knopf's message for Second Day Sukkot (September 29, 2015), the practice of Sukkah can set you up for a great year. Here's how. -  

In Every Direction
October 09, 2015

Rabbi Knopf's message for First Day Sukkot (September 28, 2015), what Sukkot teaches us about the nature of our world and everything in it.  

Bound Together
October 08, 2015

Rabbi Knopf's Friday message for Parashat Va-Yelekh (September 25, 2015), what the four species of Sukkot teach us about the importance of Jewish unity. -  

Our Kids
October 02, 2015

Rabbi Knopf's message for Yom Kippur day 5776/2015, on seeing all kids as our kids, from Baltimore to Damascus, and everything in between. -