

Latest Episodes

Korach and the Unfinished Business of 1776
August 01, 2019

In his Shabbat message for Parashat Korach (Saturday, July 6), Rabbi Knopf unpacks the meaning of Korach’s rebellion, and, drawing a connection with the American Revolution, discusses what it means for us today. How do you listen to Shtender? You have a l

Entropy and the Imposition of Order
July 18, 2019

Rabbi Knopf’s message for Parashat Nasso (June 15, 2019), discussing how the beginning of Numbers, which depicts order, contrasts with the rest of Numbers, which depicts chaos, and what that contrast teaches us today. How do you listen to Shtender? You ha

Love, Loss, and the Book of Ruth
July 11, 2019

Rabbi Knopf’s message for the 2nd Day of Shavuot (June 10, 2019), explaining how the book of Ruth is a model for growth after the trauma of loss. How do you listen to Shtender? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RS

There Are Only Two Commandments…The Rest is Commentary
July 04, 2019

Rabbi Knopf’s message for the 1st day of Shavuot (Sunday, June 9, 2019), discussing the content of the revelation at Mt. Sinai, and its implications for our understanding of Torah today. How do you listen to Shtender? You have a lot of options you know? i

Guns and the Disregard for Human Life
June 27, 2019

Rabbi Knopf’s message for parashat Behar-Behukkotai (June 1, 2019), addressing the mass shooting in Virginia Beach, which occurred a day earlier. How do you listen to Shtender? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RS

Valar Dohaeris
June 06, 2019

Rabbi Knopf’s Shabbat message for Parashat Aharei Mot connects Game of Thrones, Leviticus, and the recent shooting at the Chabad synagogue in Poway, California. How do you listen to Shtender? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Pla

When Elijah Comes to the Seder
May 30, 2019

In his message for the 2nd day of Passover (April 21, 2019), Rabbi Knopf discusses the significance of Elijah the Prophet’s appearance at the Seder, and how to recognize the Messiah. How do you listen to Shtender? You have a lot of options you know? iTune

Do The Dew
May 23, 2019

In his sermon for the first day of Passover (April 20, 2019), Rabbi Knopf unpacks the significance of the prayer for dew, which is recited on the holiday, and which holds a powerful message about the partnership between God and humanity. How do you listen

The City of Peace
May 16, 2019

n a special sermon delivered at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in downtown Richmond (April 3, 2019), Rabbi Knopf teaches an interfaith audience of hundreds about the Jewish idea of the “Heavenly Jerusalem,” and how we have the power to make heaven on Earth.

A Practice for Moral Clarity
May 09, 2019

In his Shabbat message for Parashat Shemini (March 30, 2019), Rabbi Knopf explains that a possible reason for the laws of kashrut are that they prepare us to draw clear ethical lines and make tough moral choices. How do you listen to Shtender? You have a