Impact: How to Grow Your Thought Leadership Brand and Business

Impact: How to Grow Your Thought Leadership Brand and Business

Latest Episodes

How to Balance Strategy and Intuition with Christine Kane
August 20, 2021

In this episode, I interview the business coach and CEO of Uplevel You, Christine Kane. Christine has created a process for growing your business with a balance of strategy and soul (or intuition). I

New Clients and Income Using Hot Seats with Hillary Weiss
July 29, 2021

Im sure youve participated in a hot seat before. You might have even facilitated hot seats. But Im willing to bet you havent thought of some of the ways Hillary Weiss uses them in her business to

Trust Yourself with Melody Wilding
July 09, 2021

You know those times when you read a book and it feels like every word was written for you? Thats the feeling I got reading Trust Yourself by Melody Wilding. Melodys book is a guide for those of us

Strategy: Overcoming Costly Business Blindspots
June 17, 2021

How can you tell which things you should focus your limited time, money, and energy on to get the best results in your business? With so many things pulling at your attention, it can be challenging as a business owner to know what should get your atten...

Strategies for Wowing Clients and Prospects with Jeffrey Shaw
March 26, 2021

Sustainable business success results from understanding and knowing how to operate within three critical ecosystems: business strategies, personal development, and daily habit/mindset. My guest, Jeffrey Shaw,

3 Hidden Monetization Mistakes That Are Costing You Money
March 19, 2021

When monetizing your expertise and email list, there are three easily-overlooked mistakes that will secretly siphon away your profit potential. These three monetization mistakes are part of a phenomenon I refer to as Monetization Shyness.

3 Strategies for Growing Your Business
February 28, 2021

How can you know what to focus on in your business to produce the most significant new growth? With so many options available to you, it can be hard to decide where to invest your limited time, money, and other resources to get the greatest return on y...

Success Secrets from John Lee Dumas
February 19, 2021

This is not your average interview with John Lee Dumas. Ive known John since 2012, before his popular podcast, Entrepreneur on Fire, launched. We met in a pizzeria near Times Square while in NYC for

How to Design Offers That Sell
February 11, 2021

How can you ensure to create products and services that your market will scramble to buy? To design products and services that are sure to sell, you must first focus on the offers value proposition.

3 New Ways to Eliminate Procrastination, Overwhelm, and Perfectionism
January 21, 2021

As a business owner and thought leader, there will inevitably be times when you procrastinate a task or project despite its significance to your goals. There are many reasons why we procrastinate, but two of the most common are perfectionism and overwh...
