Sports Talk presented by JAPAN Forward

Sports Talk presented by JAPAN Forward

#13 Sports Talk ― Jeff Fletcher Shares Insights About His New Book on Shohei Ohtani

August 19, 2022

Jeff Fletcher follows Shohei Ohtani and the Los Angeles Angels on a daily basis as the MLB team’s beat reporter for the Orange County Register and the Southern California News Group.

In his lively discussion with this reporter on the Sports Talk podcast, Fletcher’s love of baseball and human drama shines through. The author of the new book, Sho-Time: The Inside Story of Shohei Ohtani and the Greatest Baseball Season Ever Played, dishes out interesting anecdotes about the bidding war for Ohtani in the fall of 2017 and the personable superstar’s light-hearted interactions with teammates.

Armed with facts, figures and an insider’s knowledge of the Angels and Ohtani’s career, and how it compares to that of Babe Ruth, when he was still a two-way player over 100 years ago, Fletcher presents an authoritative summary of the Japanese player’s career to date. He also explains that his ultimate objective in writing Sho-Time was to make people learn something along the way.


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Author: Ed Odeven
Follow Ed on JAPAN Forward's [Japan Sports Notebook] here on Sundays, in [Odds and Evens] here during the week, and Twitter @ed_odeven and find him on JAPAN Forward’s dedicated sports website, SportsLook.

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