Learn Japanese | JapanesePod101.com (Audio)

Learn Japanese | JapanesePod101.com (Audio)

Latest Episodes

Extensive Reading in Japanese for Beginners #10 - Cleaning My Room
December 24, 2018

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101!rnDon't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources!rnrn-------Lesson Dialog-------rnrn----Formal Japanese----rnrn部屋をそうじするrn私は自分の部屋をそうじしなければいけません。rnお父さんが、私の部屋はきたなすぎると言います。rnなぜ

Basic Bootcamp #2 - Basic Japanese - Natonality, “To be,” Basic Sentence Structure
December 24, 2018

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101.com! You've just arrived at your hotel in Tokyo and are at the counter to check in. When you introduce yourself in ...

Basic Bootcamp #1 - Self Introduction - Basic Greetings in Japanese
December 22, 2018

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101.com! You've just arrived in Japan for a weeklong business trip and you are dying to impress your Japanese hosts with your ...

Gengo Appendix #12 - Appendix 12: Family members
December 21, 2018

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan

Japanese Words of the Week with Risa for Beginners #12 - In Your Toolbox
December 20, 2018

In this Beginner lesson, you'll learn Japanese words about things in your toolbox. Visit us at JapanesePod101.com, where you will find Japanese lesson notes and ...

Must-Know Japanese Sentence Structures #50 - Explaining a Reason or Cause
December 17, 2018

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- 疲れたから、早く寝ます。 ここは危ないから、気を付けてください。 のどが渇いたから、水が飲みたいです。 後でこの箱を使うから、捨てないでください。 もう

News #332 - Your BIG, Secret JapanesePod101 Deal to Mark the End of The Countdown
December 16, 2018

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan

Japanese Vocab Builder #153 - World Continents and Territories
December 16, 2018

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101!rnDon't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources!rnrn-------Lesson Dialog-------rnrn---------------------------rnLearn Japanese with JapanesePod101!rnDon't forget to stop b

Gengo Appendix #11 - Appendix 11: Country, Nationality, Language
December 14, 2018

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan

Extensive Reading in Japanese for Beginners #9 - Going Camping
December 10, 2018

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101!rnDon't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources!rnrn-------Lesson Dialog-------rnrn----Formal Japanese----rnrnキャンプに行くrn家ぞくとキャンプに行くのが好きです。rnどうぶつが入ってこないようにテントをつかいます。rnテントは雨も