James Miller | LIFEOLOGY® Radio
Latest Episodes
Controlling Mental Chaos | Dr. Jaime Pineda
Neuroscientist, Dr. Jamie Pineda talks about his book Controlling Mental Chaos which teaches strategies for shutting down uncontrolled thoughts. The-Unencumbered-Mind.com #controllingmentalchaos; #theunencumberedmind #mindset
A Trauma Surgeon on Trauma | Dr Craig Thayer
Dr. Craig Thayer, a trauma surgeon shares his personal and professional tragedies and how he overcame them to heal others. CraigThayer.net #traumaa #traumasurgeon #adoption #inspiraiton
The Health Benefits of Turmeric | Dr. Shivani Gupta
Dr. Shivani Gupta talks about her supplement line, Fusion Formulas, and turmeric's health benefits in reducing inflammation. ShivaniGupta.com #fusionaryformulas #fusionarylife #drshivanigupta #turmeric #inflammation #bettersleep #menopause #ayurvedic #ayu
Cycle of Lives | David Richman
David Richman reviews his book Cycle of Lives. Whether you have cancer or some other major trauma, this thought-provoking collection of stories will inspire you. CyclesOfLives.org #cycleoflves Cancer #cancersurvivor #cancerawareness #Breastcancer #Hope #I
UNSTUCK: Reframe Your Thinking | Lia Garvin
Lia Garvin's @liagarvin book UNSTUCK teaches you how to re-envision your approach to life to achieve more, stress less, and overcome life's barriers. LiaGarvin.com #liagarvin #reframewithlia #getunstuck @redheifermedia #jamesmillerlifeology
Energy Medicine Yoga | Lauren Walker
Lauren Walker @EnergyMedYoga talks about Energy Medicine Yoga which can calm fear, anger, anxiety, worry, and grief we feel towards any life event. EMYoga.net #LaurenWalker #EnergyMedicineYoga #Yoga #jamesmillerlieology #Redheifermedia
Using Performance Science to Level Up | Carla Fowler, MD, PhD
Dr Carla Fowler @drcarlafowler talks about her specialty of using performance science to help you level up and become the best performer in your industry. THAXA.com #carla-fowler #performancescience #performance #levelup #lifecoaching #executivecoaching
From Poor Immigrant to Wealthy Philanthropist | Alessandro Tronco
Alessandro Tronco shares his story of coming to America with five dollars and becoming a wealthy philanthropist. Thebuddhawhodroveabentley.com #mindset #immigrant #mindfulllness #wealth #philanthropy
The Benefits of Working with a Functional Medicine Doctor | Paul Burgess
Paul Burgess teaches you the importance of working with a functional medicine doctor to help your healthiest life. PaulBurgess.uk #PaulBurgess #PBFM #functionalmedicinedoctor #functionalmedicine
The Radiant Life Project | Kate King
Psychotherapist, Kate King talks about her book The Radiant Life Project which teaches you how to live a fulfilled life. theradiantlifeproject.com #personalgrowthjourney#personaldevelopment #womensupportingwomen#womenempowerment#higherconsciousness #inner