Let's Talk About It with Jacque and Megan

Latest Episodes
Episode 94: Jacque’s Reflections on Visiting a Lutheran Service
In this episode, Jacque talks about experiencing a Lutheran service, her thoughts, and the differences with Catholic Mass. Vote on what topic youd like us to tackle next! Guardian Angels and Pr
Episode 93: Responding to Comments from our Latest Episode
In this episode, we sit down and address a few comments from our last video on Megan converting to Lutheranism. Follow us on all the things! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacqueandmegan/ Faceb
Episode 92: Becoming Lutheran: Megan’s Journey from Non-Denominational Churches to the LCMS
In this episode, Megan discusses her recent conversion to Lutheranism, doctrines she initially found difficult, theology and practice she found compelling, and more.
Episode 91: Jacque’s Visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City
In this episode, Jacque talks about her visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City! We briefly go over the story of this apparition, the impact on Mexico, and Jacques personal reflec
Episode 90: Catholic and Protestant Talk About the Priesthood
Today we talk about the Catholic ministerial priesthood in contrast to the Protestant view of the priesthood of all believers. Sources: https://files.lcms.org/dl/f/the-augsburg-confession https://
Episode 89: Catholic and Protestant Talk About the Rosary
Today we talk about the history of the Rosary, what it is, other forms of prayer beads, and why Protestants dont usually pray it. Sources: https://www.catholiceducation.org/en/culture/catholic-con
Episode 88: Talking to a Catholic Priest about the Eucharist – An Interview with Fr. Michael Mehringer
Today we are excited to be joined by Fr. Michael Mehringer, a Catholic priest at Queen of Apostles in Chicago. Fr. Michael worked as a chemist for five years before entering the seminary in 2017. In t
Episode 87: Why Are Our Bibles Different? A Protestant and Catholic Discuss Differences in the Canon
Today we talk about whether or not the deuterocanonical books (or apocrypha as Protestants call them) should be included in the Bible! Jacques Sources: Protestantisms Old Testament Problem | Cat
Episode 86: Our Lady of Knock Marian Apparition
Today we talk about the story of Our Lady of Knock in Ireland after Jacque visited the site! We go over the story of the apparition, what the witnesses saw, and questions about apparitions from a Prot
Episode 85: A Lutheran Pastor Talks About The Lord’s Supper – Differences between Evangelicals, Catholics, and Lutherans with Bryan Wolfmeuller
Today we are excited to be joined by Pastor Bryan Wolfmeuller, a Lutheran pastor in Texas and owner of the YouTube channel @PastorBryanWolfmueller where he discusses Lutheran doctrines and perspective