Jacob in the bath with...

Jacob in the bath with...

Latest Episodes

...Body Dysmorphia
August 12, 2019

‘Think something positive about them and it distracts you from thinking about what they’re thinking.’ This week Sarah-Jane discusses her battle with body dysmorphia and offers advice on how she has dealt with the issue. Below are her go-to 'in the bath' i

...Language 'Duck'-Ups
June 23, 2019

‘If you want to be free in life, do two things; learn a language and learn to drive.’  This week, Maddie is in the bath with jacob discussing language duck-ups, as well as other interesting anecdotes surrounding language in translation.  Maddie's go-to's:

...Post Grad Angst
May 30, 2019

Jacob speaks with Jake about post grad angst/ blues and how, from experience, Jake best conquered this. 

The Last Supper
April 16, 2019

In this podcast Jacob, Matt & Livvy discuss food and what would be their last supper if they were on death row.