I've Got No Beef With You

I've Got No Beef With You

Episode 1 - Cody: From Sadly Skinning Deer to Happy Vegan

October 21, 2015

Cody with his three cats: Lucca, Reuben, & Maxwell Welcome to the first episode of I've Got No Beef With You! Since I wanted to keep things simple, I cornered my roommate and friend, Cody, and had him sit down and be my first interview. First, I am SO sorry about the clicking that starts around the 4 minute mark and goes for about 20 minutes. I've tried everything google can suggest to get rid of it, and all I succeeded in doing was making the podcast sound like it was recorded in a tin can. I decided leaving the clicking in was preferable. I'll do better next time, I swear! There was a little hiccup where we were going to pause to deal with one of the cats being a doofus, but Audacity got to it ahead of us and crashed. Ack! Luckily, the file was mostly recoverable and we only missed a little bit of talking. We covered a lot in this episode and referenced many things, so in case you're curious and haven't heard of them, check out the list! Melt Bar & GrilledMelt is a bar and grill in Ohio that Cody loves. They're primarily an omnivore establishment, but they do cater to their vegan customers as well! Artisan Vegan Cheese by Miyoko SchinnerThis book has tons of recipes to make your own delicious vegan cheese from nuts, non-dairy milks, agar agar, and other simple ingredients. I've had really good luck with the buffalo mozzarella. Mmmm. Shawarma KingDelicious restaurant to get falafel (or other stuff if you're into that) in the University District. Cody and I have been to this place quite a bit and they're always really nice and the food's so delicious! Pizza PiSeattle's awesome, so of course we have an entirely vegan pizza joint. Wayward Vegan CafeWe also have an entirely vegan cafe! It's kind of like having an entirely vegan Denny's, but it's delicious and not open 24 hours. So, not like Denny's, except that the menus are kind of similar. You can get burgers, breakfast, dinner, lunch, salad, omelettes--all that good stuff, Wayward has it! Araya's Place Araya's is an all vegan Asian restaurant with a few locations in the Seattle area. They have a buffet each day that's got a great variety of options, and their little dessert display tempts you the second you walk in the door. unRibs (From The Homemade Vegan Pantry)We recorded the podcast after I made a really delicious recipe from my new favorite cookbook by Miyoko Schinner. Grab the book and look up the recipe for unRibs (and the recipe for the zippy BBQ sauce: so good!) Pike Place fish marketIn Seattle's famous Pike Place Market, there's a stand where people sell fish and throw them, for some reason. It's probably tradition, because I can't imagine why else someone would want to stand around watching people chuck fish corpses at each other. It smells as appetizing as you would imagine. Spider ReubenReuben interrupted our podcast by climbing up the wall of the catio and sandwiching himself beneath the little roof I put up knowing one of the cats would climb it. Follow Your Heart VeganeggWe're pretty excited about this upcoming product! Chao CheeseThe best vegan non-nut cheese in my opinion. 30 Days vegan episodeThis is the episode that turned me vegetarian. If you can find it anywhere (I couldn't :/ ) watch it! CowspiracyThe documentary making many people rethink animal agriculture! SpeciesismAnother great documentary that comes to the logical solution that veganism is good for the planet, the people, the animals, and the future! Coccia House pizzaCody's favorite pizza joint before he went vegan. Like I said in the post, if you're on the fence about going vegan and you want some support, suggestions, or you just have questions and you have no idea where to start looking, drop me a line! You can find me at Twitter, Facebook, or email me at NoBeefPodcast(@)Gmail.com