It's All Journalism

It's All Journalism

#27 - Bethany Swain, visual storyteller

March 02, 2013

Bethany Swain found her love of photography when she realized at a young age taking someone's photo would make them smile. Now, she is one of the most highly acclaimed photojournalists in the industry. After recently leaving CNN, Swain is now teaching photojournalism and multimedia at the

Swain says one of the things she teaches her students is how to take a non-visual story and make it their own.

"Be excited about the little victories, because yeah, there are a lot of stories that don't take it to that level of something that you want to put on your resume reel or are really excited to post on Facebook for all your friends to make sure they see. But again, that doesn't mean those stories aren't worth telling," Swain says.

Swain talks to It's All Journalism producers Megan Cloherty and Michael O'Connell about how to tell at good visual story.
