It’s Time Podcast-Startup Inspiration, Entrepreneur Hustling to Build a Dream Business
Latest Episodes
One of the best uses your website will ever have for your business (013)
Your business idea tested and market validated with a tiny budget
Your awesome website may not be amazing and spectacular at all
If you can't state your value in one sentence, you need to do better.
Why social media is a risky move for your future
Social media channels have become a part of how business communicates but it shouldn't be your only plan.
BONUS: Why you need to grateful for what you have
Is death just a reminder to value life?
You really think marketing is about you?
If you don’t know how to do it right, you can spend eons doing it wrong.
Fear Disguised as Busy Work (009)
Bethanie spends months identifying her target market but not doing the really hard stuff because she is afraid to fail.
How to research your business idea the right way...for me (008)
To be or not to be a lean startup, that is the question
Why your business may not work (007)
Join Bethanie as she struggles to decide whether or not to move forward with her business idea.