IT Provider Network - The Podcast for Growing IT Service Providers

IT Provider Network - The Podcast for Growing IT Service Providers

Employee Success Plans – Helping your Employees Succeed – ITPN-029 - IT Provider Network - The Podcast for Growing IT Service Providers

February 04, 2018

Hello Again!
Hi before we get started on Employee Success Plans I wanted to take a minute to re-introduce myself. My name is Terry Rossi and I am the co-founder of an award-winning Company (I always wanted to say that, in the 23 years we have been in business I never have).   We are a company with two halves.   We develop, sell and implement an enterprise document management solution to manufacturers all over the world and we are an MSP, we provide outsourced IT services to companies in the New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York City area.

I started this podcast about one year ago, this week I think, as a way to help others that are either just starting out, or stuck crossing the chasm in growing or scaling their company. My business partner and I have weathered many storms since we started and through it all we have always been profitable, we have always been able to pay our people.


We’ve done a lot of things right but we’ve also made a lot of mistakes. It’s from those mistakes I hope you can learn something that you can bring back to your business. Something that will help you, build, grow or scale your business.
About PICS ITech
Our MSP, PICS Itech,  is HQ’ed in Mt. Holly NJ in a building that we own.   At this time we are employing just under 30 people and we have many employees that have surpassed 10, even 20 years with the company.   I am proud of that fact, and it is sound like I bragging, I might be a little but really I am trying to impress on you that you can grow and scale your business and compete with the best in the world.   We are currently working in over 17 countries for some of the largest company names in the world and we are a small little technology company in the suburbs of Philadelphia.

My role in the company is basically to head up the MSP division and act as the COO for the company. I have my hands in everything from IT, service delivery, marketing, sales, finance, vendor relations, and unclogging the sink when it needs it.

If this is your first time listening to the IT Provider Network podcast, thank you for tuning in.   The podcast is the first part of the IT Provider Network. Later this year I will be announcing some exciting community and collaborations announcements, online courses that I am working on and other in-depth ways the IT Provider Network can help you.   I have several coaching clients now but my schedule is such that I won’t be able to work with all of you one-on-one so figuring out some group offerings is high on my list.

So without Further ado, here's episode 29 of the IT Provider Network Podcast.


Employee Success Plans

As you know in our company we do a lot of planning and goal setting.   Each year we sit down in Q4 and plan the annual initiatives for the next year. We plan these at the company level but as soon as we have decided on what the company is going to focus on for the next 12 months we immediately start to break those initiatives down to smaller more manageable chunks.

How we do it is that we break them down by division.  If you remember we have two distinct divisions on our company, a software development division that sells a product to manufacturers worldwide and a managed services division that provides outsourced IT services in our regional area.   So we start by breaking down the initiatives by division.   Then by quarter. We have found that 90 days is the right amount of time to get our “rocks” or goals down.

What I want to talk to you today is how we break these rocks down to each and every employee that works at PICS.   We do this with something we call our Employee Success Plans or ...
