It Just Is

It Just Is

Latest Episodes

5.03 – Multiverse, Death and Haunted Cecil Hotel
December 13, 2015

On this episode Shaun and Shep talk about death. They also talk about scientists finding evidence of the multiverse. And they also talk about the Cecil hotel in California that was home to many murders, rapes and serial killers - one recent event invol...

5.02 – Robo-Bangs, Downloading Consciousness and Hugging Trees.
November 29, 2015

On this episode, Shaun and Shep recount their happy Thanksgiving holiday. Shaun goes into depth about the emergence of his multiple personalities. Is Evil Mickey taking over? Shep talks about recent parenting experiences that make him want to cry. -

5.01 – Area 51, NASA, Hipsters, Shaun as the Anti-Christ
November 15, 2015

On this episode, Shaun and Shep go into a little bit about what they’ve been up to for the past 6 months. Shep talks about his hatred for hipsters and technology and discusses a little bit about a recent trips to Area-51, Discovery Cove,

4.13 – Easter, Living Consciously, Law of Attraction
April 05, 2015

On this episode Shaun and Shep are joined by a live audience of friends and listeners of the show for a Q/A session that ranges in topics from Easter, Law of Attraction, the paranormal, quantum physics, the nature of reality, meditation,

4.12 – Ghost Farts, 50 Shades of Grey, and Quantum Reality
March 22, 2015

On this hilarious and boundary-pushing episode, Shaun and Shep go into a long list of topics, such as the paranormal, Aliens, culture, DMT, 50 Shades of Grey, Twilight, and deep into the quantum nature of this reality. -

4.11 – Sustainability, Religious Absurdity, Jesus Saving Us All
March 09, 2015

The It Just Is Podcast is seeking awesomely talented listeners to join the It Just Is team. Writers, editors, video and sound people, web developers and more are all wanted. Send us an email if you want to join the team! -

4.10 – JFK: The Legacy, Controversy and Conspiracy
February 04, 2015

On this must-listen-to episode, Shaun and Shep take a deep look into the controversy and conspiracy of one of the most iconic men in American history: JFK. His life, his legacy, and what led to the assassination in Dallas are broken down and examined.

January 24, 2015

On this episode, Shaun and Shep discuss the recent measles outbreak at the wonderful and magical land of Disney. Who's spreading the Mickey bumps and why do people still care about Frozen? - They also discuss the recent movie, American Sniper,

4.08 – The Haunted SHILO Inn – Part 1
January 21, 2015

On this episode, (recorded on March 22nd of 2014) Shaun and Shep host a night of paranormal investigation with listeners of the It Just Is Podcast at the Shilo Inn Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the exact rooms where the infamous Shilo Inn murders t...

January 07, 2015

On this new episode the guys get galactic as they look at the case of the missing space probe. Did we lose a spaceship? - Then Shaun channels Kenny G while Shep reacts to flying balls of light on YouTube. Was it a UFO? The video is quite... "peculiar".