It Just Is

It Just Is

3.09 - Parallel Worlds, Time Travel, Quantum Meditation, Hash-Brownies

May 25, 2014

On this episode we talk about parallel worlds and time travel. Have they been proven to be real? We break it down and talk about what one Nobel Prize winning white lab coat guy says and the science to back it all up. You might be surprised.

We then talk about meditators affecting the results of our reality at the quantum level through focused observation from a distance. Are we able to manipulate and control our reality with our thoughts – even from a distance? The truth might be more fascinating and shocking than we realize.

And we go into the recent news making headlines about a 19 year old from Texas that might get sentenced to life in prison for using Cannabis oil in brownies and cookies. Why is it possible he’ll get a life sentence for something that’s completely legal a few states over? Is this right? What does it mean for this high-level topic that’s definitely changing the face of our generation and future. We break it all down and go into the details and leave it open to hear your thoughts.

We also joke about a man that’s suing New York city and a variety of other businesses because he was bitten by a rabies infected dog on a bus, had his picture taken by Chinese people without his permission, and pays too much money for his coffee. And how much is he hoping to get out of this lawsuit? Well, there’s not enough room to list out how many zero’s it is. Listen as we let the jokes and sarcasm fly on this super duper important lawsuit.

And we also talk about a Spanish village that is going to vote whether or not to change it’s name that means, “Kill Jews”. Do they really have to vote about this?

All this and more on this episode of the It Just Is Podcast.

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Show Notes:

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