It Just Is

It Just Is

2.20 - Paranormal & EVP Special

January 23, 2014

On this episode Shaun and Shep reveal some of their creepy personal paranormal experiences going as far back as their childhood. Hearing strange noises, things moving around the house, dishes being stacked on the floor, the sound of bodies falling down the stairs, seeing apparitions after sleepwalking episodes – and more! All these experiences and more are what led them to question their reality and begin seeking the mystery.

But weird feelings and creepy experiences are something everyone can have, right? What about proof of something beyond this reality? Beyond the grave? Does something like that exist?

Shaun asked the same questions which led him to pursue more scientific approaches to his early ghost hunting days. EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) quickly became one of his favorite tools and means of evidence for life beyond death. Pulling hundreds of clips over the span of 10+ years of voices responding to questions, leaving names, interacting with those on this side, and even leaving clues about God and the meaning of life.

Shaun plays some of his EVP collection from his ghost hunting days which Shep claims are some of the most clear and creepy he’s ever heard. Clips from the old Tooele Hospital in Utah, and the Salt Lake City cemetery.

Are they voices from the dead? Voices from another dimension or reality? Or just tricks the brain is playing on us trying to make sense of it all. You be the judge.

We’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and personal experiences as well. Write us on Facebook, an email through our contact form, or leave us a voicemail!

All of this and more on this episode of the It Just Is Podcast.

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-EVP Sections starts around 1:19:00


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