It Just Is

It Just Is

2.19 - It Just Is Podcast

January 20, 2014

On this episode we look at a recent study that claims psychic powers don’t exist and are just a trick of the mind. But did the study actually try to prove anything with psychic powers, or just a game of memorization? We break it down and pull some real research done in the field of psychic phenomena and disclose the results.

We then discuss a group in Oklahoma that is wanting to put up a Satanic statue at the Capital building alongside the 10 Commandments that were installed there in 2012. Should the statue be allowed? What are you thoughts on the Church vs State debate?

We talk about some new research about the discovery of Quantum vibrations inside brain neurons. Are all our brains connected to the universe at a subatomic level? Is our entire brain structure based on this connection? Does it support the theory of the unified field and a singular consciousness? We break it down and go through it piece by piece.

And what does Nancy Grace have to say about people that smoke cannabis? Are they just out of control potheads that are addicted to the herb and slaughter families and ruin lives? We listen to a recent interview and talk about the evidence. We then discuss what we are all really addicted to and the implications those addictions have on our lives.

And are there any positive effects of using a Ouija board or other tools of divination? We discuss the history of these tools, why they became shunned and gained such negative attraction, and what they can do for you. Are they tools just connecting to demonic spirits? Or are they just connecting to another version of ‘you’ at the soul level? Can negative answers and experiences actually benefit you in a positive way?

We talk about all this and so much more on this episode of the It Just Is Podcast.

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