It Just Is

It Just Is

2.16 - It Just Is Podcast

January 08, 2014

Satan breaks into our studio and makes a comeback to the show as our new marketing director.

We talk about deathbed visions of those about to pass on from this life, specifically Roger Ebert and Steve Jobs. What did they see? What did they tell their families just before they died? And what does this mean to us, our lives, and beyond? How does this tie into spirituality and science? Can it all be explained?

We then discuss the soul, soul contracts, personal experience, and cloning. Do clones have souls? What is a soul? What is consciousness? Why are you having the specific life experiences that you have involving the people in it – both good and bad? Did you agree to your life challenges before you were born?

We then giggle about a man that tried to make love to a drink cart in our new segment, ‘What’s in Your Mouth?”

And have scientists found a way to map out human emotions through imaging? Suit up, lick those pencils, and grab your protractors because we check it out during our while lab coat time.

All this and more on this episode of the It Just Is Podcast.

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