It Just Is

It Just Is

2.15 - It Just Is Podcast

January 06, 2014

On this episode we look at who is controlling everything you watch, read, listen to, and eat. Is there an illusion of choice? How much of big business is controlling your life? You might be surprised!

We also look at who is controlling the information you absorb about sensitive topics such as marijuana, the medical industry, music, and what the information reveals – and what it keeps hidden. We look at how our governments and culture might not be telling the truth about things. How dangerous is this for us all? Why would they want to keep things hidden from us?

We discuss the fluoridation of our drinking water. Why are we drinking fluoride? What does it really do? Where did it originate and what was it originally used for? Isn’t it to help our teeth? Listen as we open up a bottle of truth for you to gulp down instead.

We also go into Area-51 and look at new technology that sheds light on what really happened. Are we able to read memo’s and classified documents now from the government that tell a different story than what we were told? We talk about what we found, what it means, and what the story really is – being told from government officials themselves.

All this and more on this episode of the It Just Is Podcast.

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