It Just Is

It Just Is

2.13 - It Just Is Podcast

December 17, 2013

On this episode we look at the science of Santa Clause and discuss how many houses he’ll have to visit each second, how much wrapping paper he’ll need, how many calories he’ll consume, and how big of a warehouse he’ll need and the approach that might actually make sense from a quantum perspective.

We then discuss the research that states human brains are hardwired to enjoy nature and the country-side, where the city causes anxiety, confusion, and aggression – even if a person was born into a city lifestyle. Are our cities man-made human zoos keeping us locked in a state of anxiety and confusion?

And are humans really smarter than animals? Science is saying that might not be true, and in fact, many other animals brains are superior to ours – we just don’t understand them. We also discuss the dog’s ability to understand and predict human emotion and thought.

And is the universe just a hologram? We discuss the research that supports the theory.

And does art elevate the mind by increasing empathy, critical thinking and tolerance? Good thing the school systems are supporting and promoting athletic programs instead.

And what does your brain look like when you’re talking to dead people? We look into the fascinating research that states mediumship may be a distinct mental state that’s different from normal thinking and imagination.

All this and more on this episode of the It Just Is Podcast.

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