It Just Is

It Just Is

2.10 - It Just Is Podcast

December 06, 2013

On this episode we talk about Shep getting a ticket for parking in front of his house along with a personal letter from the officer condemning his moral judgment. Shep holds back his anger and his rage filled tears. Shaun then shares his hilarious story of getting arrested for beating up a mannequin one late Utah night, and gets lectured by the arresting officer to contemplate if this situation is what Jesus would be happy with.

We then discuss a study that shows women’s brain’s are hard-wired to be awesome at multi-tasking, while men are better suited to handle one complex task at a time.

We talk about the difficulty people have in letting go of their technology. Do people get more anxious when they don’t have their phones or gadgets to play with constantly? Science says, yes.

And will we be making love to robots in the future? We look at technology and the sex-industry, it’s future, and current status in our society that people seem to miss over.

Do animals consume psychedelics because they’re bored? We talk about research that shows how all kinds of animals partake of psychedelic substances. Why do they do it? And what does it mean to us?

And hold on to your 9mm because we discuss some of the weapons that the government has made and developed that can annihilate us. Is there evidence that we are currently using these advanced weapons already?

And Shep really, really loves guacamole.

All this and more on this episode of the It Just Is Podcast.

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