It Just Is

It Just Is

2.07 - It Just Is Podcast

November 27, 2013

On this episode we take a look at the pineal gland. What is it? What does it do? Did ancient civilizations know about it? Is this knowledge being covered up today? We look at how it’s symbolism is found everything, in all cultures throughout our known history.

We also discuss DMT, it’s effects, history, and the research surrounding the substance found in just about everything – including our own bodies. Research recently discovered DMT in pineal glands of live rats.

We then look at evidence that suggests ancient civilizations were wiped out by atomic weapons. Did they have this advanced technology? Did they wipe themselves out? The evidence is shocking.

Hold on to your 9mm’s because we discuss the government making a lightning gun that shoots high-energy plasma to flow along a laser-guided path. Zzzaap.

We joke about a group of ghost hunters that burn down a historic plantation, but then take a serious look at how actual ghost hunters might be able to help solve a murder by capturing EVP’s of the victim describing and/or naming her attacker.

We then go into the practice of automatic writing and talk about what it is, how it’s used, and our own personal experiences.

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