The Innovators Podcast

The Innovators Podcast

Podcast 5 - Rick Sanders, President and Director of the ISURP

February 04, 2021

Episode 5 of The Innovators Podcast features Rick Sanders, President and Director of the Iowa State University Research Park. Rick began his time at the Park in May of 2019 after stints in county government and athletics administration. Rick gave us some insight into his background in leadership that sets the stage for his work with the ISURP, including his mantra of "finding wins for as many people as possible."


In this episode, we explore what makes the ISU Research Park great and what to look forward to in the future! Rick talks about the interconnected ecosystem of innovation in Ames, including (but not limited to) the Ames Chamber of Commerce, Iowa State University, and programs like the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship which you will recognize from our last episode with Judi Eyles. In addition, Rick shares some personal stories of how the Research Park impacted his own family before he ever took the job.


To make this podcast even better, Lehr Thorson joins us from the ISURP intern crew to co-host. Lehr has been behind the scenes thus far, but will be a regular on The Innovators Podcast from now on! We hope you enjoy.
