Insights, Issues & Istook

Insights, Issues & Istook

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Why believe Obama since he told such whopper lies about Obamacare?
January 27, 2015

President Obama promised that Obamacare “won't add a dime to the deficit?” It's not a dime; it's over a trillion dollars for just the first 10 years, reports the Congressional Budget Office. The costs will be double what Obama claimed. After o

Those who come to America must respect our laws
January 22, 2015

Talking about immigration and assimilation, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said that before being allowed into the USA, people should be told, “You can’t come here if you want to overthrow our culture.” He's right that the law of the l

WIndow blinds will cost $1-billion more under new 'safety' regulation
January 22, 2015

Regulators say window blind cords strangle 11 children each year (1/10th of 1 percent of accidental child deaths), so a new regulation would require cordless window blinds. Bureacrats admit higher prices would result: It comes out to an extra $1-billion

Obama aims to seduce middle-class Americans with giveaways
January 21, 2015

Are your principles for sale? If you would surrender your honesty, your virtue, or your morality if somebody wrote you a big enough check, then those are not your true values. President Obama is trying to outbid your conscience. He hopes to persuade middl

The secret that unlocks the global warming debate
January 20, 2015

New reports scream that 2014 was Earth's hottest year ever. The goal is to scare us into down-scaling our way of life and approving billions in giveaways to green energy. But I tell you there's been no global warming for 18 years. Here's the secret that r

New Democrat plan is legalized theft--gangster government
January 19, 2015

Many Democrats believe government exists to take from some and give to others. Their brand new plan says government should give money to every household that makes less than $200,000 a year. Basically, that's 99% of Americans.  A tax on sal

Support for Second Amendment Grows Stronger
January 19, 2015

All the push for gun control has backfired. New polling reveals that most Americans--52%--believe guns do more to protect people than to put people at risk—the highest level in 20 years. There's been a remarkable change among black Americans, with 5

Race relations plummet under Obama
January 19, 2015

The dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is being pushed backwards. Many voted for President Barack Obama believing it would be good to have our first black President. 53% of us say relations have instead gone downhill. Obama and buddy Al Sharpton say th

The trend: More government. Less personal responsibility
January 08, 2015

As part of Obamacare, people can get Medicaid whether they're poor or not.  Now the only question is income, not net worth.  Dependency on government is rampant; self-reliance keeps dropping. One American in seven gets food stamps. And one in si