Insights, Issues & Istook

Insights, Issues & Istook

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Why egg prices are soaring: Regs hurt eggs
January 05, 2015

Egg prices are up by over 40%, because "regs hurt eggs." Your food budget is climbing due to new rights for chickens.   California now requires that all eggs sold there must come from chickens that are given more living space

Washington bribes state and local officials into obeying
January 01, 2015

Do you know that your governor is being bribed? And your mayor? State and local lawmakers constantly are "bribed" with federal money. Over 1,100 federal programs offer $640-billion a year if state and local officials will change their policies t

Stock tip for 2015: Govt red tape is a growth industry!
December 31, 2014

An investment tip for 2015: Buy red tape. And companies that profit from it. There's explosive growth in government red tape. In 2014, almost 80,000 pages of new regulations were issued. In 2015, President Obama plans an equal number of additional rules a

Unions support plan to reduce pensions for their members
December 31, 2014

Labor leaders begged Congress to allow cuts in retirement benefits for union-run pension funds with underfunding of 20 percent or more, which cover 10-million union members.  So Congress and President Obama just changed the law. Some employers a

False claims of racism turn deadly for our police
December 30, 2014

Police have become targets thanks to racial agitators who react with charges of racism rather than checking the facts when police shoot someone. A better use of the agitators' time would be helping to fix this: Young black men are 1% of the population but

Colorado is learning that marijuana's dangers include brain damage
December 28, 2014

After repealing their state law against marijuana, Colorado has decided they should study the impact. One of every eight people in Colorado now smoke marijuana.  Yet studies clearly show it causes brain damage. For those in their teens and 20's, it l

While Congress dithers, Obama rushes to make amnesty a done deal
December 05, 2014

While Congress dithers, President Obama moves amnesty full speed ahead, hurrying to make it a done deal before legislation or the courts can stop him. Already 1,000 new workers are being hired to process millions of amnesty and work permit applications.

Stop billions of wind power giveaways - with guest Marita Noon
December 04, 2014

For 22 years Uncle Sam has paid tens of billions of dollars to subsidize giant windmills that generate some of America's most-expensive electric energy. Marita Noon tells Ernest why it's time to stop those "temporary" subsidies. She is executive director&

Let's put a body camera on President Obama
December 04, 2014

The President wants body cameras for local police. How about a body cam for Obama? He says body cams can help close the trust gap between police and communities of color. But that's tiny compared to the trust gap between Washington, DC, and the rest of th

Oil and gas, not government, is stimulating our economy
December 03, 2014

Our economic stimulus isn't coming from government—but from oil and gas. It's a true boost to our economy and to family budgets from lower oil prices, resulting in lower gasoline prices and lower prices on shipping goods and on travel. Each day
