Is This Really a Thing?

Is This Really a Thing?

Is Virtual Selling Really a Thing?

December 01, 2020

It's hard to imagine a virtual Tupperware party. Sales presentations are trickier with the move to increased online communication. Gone (for now) are the days of making small talk with prospective clients in the hallway and capturing their undivided attention face-to-face. Now that life has gone virtual, is it really possible for sales professionals to channel their charisma and build rapport through video calls? Do customers respond the same way to virtual selling tactics? Or should salespeople be expecting lower commissions until they can meet in person?

Featured Guests
Kathleen Lima - Sales Manager, Gartner
Keith Lubner - Chief Business Strategist, Sales Gravy

Episode Highlights
1:47 - What is virtual selling and how does it work?
6:35 - B2B vs. B2C - Who virtual selling is really for
12:34 - The biggest barriers to overcome
16:50 - Is virtual selling just a "young people's" game?
23:09 - What students can learn from virtual selling
26:16 - Final thoughts from Keith and Kathleen
28:12 - Paul Jarley's final thoughts