emergency medicine Israel

Syncope - An Interview With Dr. James Morris
EMplify - June 2021
* The Clinical Decision Making in the Emergency Department conference is June 23-27 live and virtual. More information here: https://clinicaldecisionmaking.com
* Be on the lookout for an announcement regarding the new EB Medicine app, coming to an App Store near you this summer !!
Syncope- An Interview With Dr. James Morris
See the EB Medicine Article @ https://www.ebmedicine.net/topics/cardiovascular/syncope
* Why syncope? Prevalence, hospitalizations, etc.
* Etiology: figure 1 is fantastic. Physiologic basis of syncope
* Neurally mediated
* Orthostatic - are we still doing orthostatic vitals in the ED?
* Cardiac
* Differentiating syncope from seizure
* Features that point to seizure
* Urinary incontinence
* Number of jerks
* Age?
* Prehospital care is all about details
* What did bystanders see?
* What do paramedics see?
* Any trauma?
* Any neuro deficits ?
* Glucose
* ED History - table 4
* History of similar
* Prodrome
* Associated symptoms (chest pain, neuro symptoms, etc)
* Falls
* Pre-syncope ?
* ED exam
* Vitals, vitals, vitals
* Orthostatic vitals ?
* Carotid sinus massage, why this? Do we do in the ED?
* Brugada, blocks, VT, ST changes, etc
* Labs
* BNP, delta bnp ?
* Trop
* Lactic acid
* Pregnancy test
* lutes
* Bun/Cr
* Echo - any role in the ED?
* CT
* Head
* PE- get this on everyone ? Is it high prevalence?
* Risk stratification tools- the bad and the worse
* Table 7, amazing
* Controversies
* Admitting the elderly
* Orthostatic vitals (we discussed already)
* Disposition