Pasha Hour International

Pasha Hour International

Latest Episodes

Pasha Hour International – Live from America! – June 14, 2011
June 15, 2011

Featured: * Why are Muslims killing each other? * The legacy of colonisation all over the world. * When the world burns, what are the Muslims doing? And where is the Muslim voice? Where are the Muslim prayers? * Escapism by running off to holy places to

[Audio] Islam and Women
May 24, 2011

England, U.K. [This material is being edited for quality and accuracy] Speech Excerpts: Excerpt 1 - Having a Positive Outlook Download ( Excerpt 2 - The Relationship between Men

Pasha Hour International – Live from America! – May 10, 2011
May 21, 2011

Featured: * People are so happy with this worldly life that they don’t think about dying and meeting their God. * The Qur’an is perhaps the most recited book on the face of this earth. Which other book gets recited as much, do you think? * It would a