Latest Episodes

Reusable Hoarder
December 08, 2023

In the hierarchy of hoarding, where does a reusable bag hoarder land? Sam thinks those who hoarded plastic bags have now become a reusable hoarder. It's a vicious cycle we cant escape! See ya Mariah there is a new gal in town, right Peggy! Will Lisa find

No, I'm The Boss!
December 01, 2023

Lisa asks, 'do you think we could work together in Santa's workshop'? Sam's response is no because she would end up doing all the work! This leads both to declare 'no I'm the boss'! However, Sam does have a solution; work in different areas of Santa's wor

Don’t Ya Dare
November 24, 2023

Lisa wonders if there is any plausible response to a message that ends with 'thanks for understanding'. What if you don't understand but realise thats code for don't ya dare reply back! WTF Sam is con

Tree Obsessed
November 17, 2023

Lisa has her judgement pants on as she declares Sam is obsessed with finding decorations for her Christmas tree. Does your tree need a tree? Yes, yes it does Lisa if it makes Sam happy! Do you remembe

The Gift Of Friendship
November 10, 2023

Lisa thinks they need to start working on the 'pod' part of their friendship. Sam disagrees! To start that process Lisa wants to give Sam the gift of friendship which is a t-shirt with her face on it!

Happy As A Pig In Sh*t?
November 03, 2023

Do we know if a pig is happy in shit? The phrase 'happy as a pig in shit' seems to suggest they are but Lisa is not convinced they are. If shit does make them that happy, is there something to it? Doe

Cringe Worthy!
October 27, 2023

What do you find cringe worthy? Lisa thinks it's talking to dogs in a baby voice and Sam cringes at how some people pronounce the word important. Did you know that you can gauge the weather by how fas

The 80s Bathroom!
October 20, 2023

GenX we have a question for you, did your bathroom contain carpet and a dressed up toilet? If you said yes, you had an 80s Bathroom too! Every available inch of that toilet was covered in fuzzy fabric

Pumpkin Conspiracy
October 13, 2023

Lisa tempts Sam with a pumpkin carving contest. It starts as an innocent conversation about cheating, use of stencils when it takes a sudden turn and Lisa declares it a pumpkin conspiracy! Sam's plan

Water Slide Wedgie
October 06, 2023

It's never a good day when you get a water slide wedgie. Ouch! The take away from this is to follow the rules so you don't have to get your vagina replaced! However, a warning sign indicating women mi