Isaac's Autism in the Wild

Latest Episodes
#141 | Technology and Neurodivergent Teens by SPD Ed Richardson
Technology can be an excellent tool for kids with special needs, but its essential to be aware of the risks involved. Preparing for safe online interactions is necessary, and it is critical to examin
#140 | Overlooked Organizations
In this podcast I have my son, producer Tyler, join me. Tyler has been the only person who has been with me as long as the ISAAC Foundation has been in existence and can appreciate the evolution of wh
#139 | Understanding the World of Special Education
Maria and Holly talk about the confusing world of special education. In this episode, we share our own IEP experiences (the good and not so good), and why its acceptable and encouraged to advocate fo
#138 | Salty Sister Kelly Lytle
In this episode my youngest daughter shares some of our recent struggles with her oldest brother with autism. We talk about the term glass sibling. Tune in to find out more.
#137 | Tracks to Success by Skils’ kin
Saturday, March 11 9am -1pm | Open House 4004 E Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 Are you or someone you know living with a disability? Are you confused about employment options, benefits, or finances? Att
#136 | Adaptive Fire Safety Eduction for Individuals with Disabilities
In this episode Holly and John Goodman share their experience doing Adaptive Fire Safety Education through the ISAAC Foundation and how the program builds skills that: (1) helps individuals with disab
#135 | Caleb Turns 15 Years Old
Usually, Caleb counts down the days leading up to his birthday with excitment. This year, he woke up on his 15th birthday with debilitating anxiety about the prospect of getting one year closer to adu
#134 | New DDA Opportunities
After a long hiatis, Holly and her partner in crime, Maria, get back in the saddle to talk about a new DDA service opportunity that is made available with all DDA waivers. These changes rolled out in
#133 | How to teach self-advocacy
In this podcast, parents discuss ways their children have learned to use their voice to advocate for themselves.
#132 | Dedication to the Parents who Paved the Way
Dedicated to Conner Smith and Family