Inwood Art Works On Air

On Air Chamber Concert: The Mighty Winds
Welcome to a special concert edition of Live N’ Local featuring the Inwood Chamber Players performing a chamber concert featuring an introduction to the instruments of the wind quintet in arrangements by Inwood resident, Gilbert Dejean. We shameless titled the concert The Mighty Winds in tribute to the instruments, and it was recorded live on September 10, 2023 at 2pm at Good Shepherd Auditorium in Inwood, NYC.
Georges Bizet - Suite from Carmen
Giacomo Puccini - Un Bel Di from Madame Butterfly (Clarinet)
Giuseppe Verdi - Sempre Libera from La Traviata (Flute)
Giaccomo Puccini - Senza Mamma from Suor Angelica (Oboe)
Franz Strauss - Concerto for Horn Op 8 1st Movement (Horn)
Julius Fucik - The Old Brown Bear (Bassoon)
Johannes Brahms - Hungarian Dance No. 1
John Phillip Sousa - The Liberty Bell March
Helen Campo, Flute and Piccolo
Setsuko Otake, Oboe
Meryl Abt, Clarinet
RJ Kelly, French Horn
Gilbert Dejean, Bassoon