Inwood Art Works On Air

Inwood Art Works On Air

2023 Live N' Local Seasonal Sampler - Vol. 1

June 29, 2023

This is our 2023 Live N’ Local Seasonal Sampler – Volume 1. 

It’s where we take a pause at this midway point, look back at the first part of 2023, and chose to highlight a musical performance from each Live N’ Local podcat that has appeared throughout the first half of the fourth season of our On Air podcast. This Seasonal Sampler is less of a greatest hits, and more of a critic’s pick. A curated mixtape of clashing styles and diverse forms with one thing in common – they all hail from the musical melting pot of Northern Manhattan. 


Bridget Kibbey

Frank Rapkiewicz

James Noyes

Annette A. Aguilar

Robert Silverman

Jestin Pieper

Gilbert Dejean & The Inwood Chamber Players
