My Cash Flow Academy's Investors Corner

My Cash Flow Academy's Investors Corner

From Bookkeeper to Boss Lady of a 7 figure business - Tana Sandoval

December 12, 2020

Have you ever participated in the City of Torrance annual Turkey Trot run? Then you were wearing her products :)She has an amazing  small business that when she bought it was netting $5,000 per month to one netting 6 figures.  From Bookkeeper to Owner: She was a freelance bookkeeper with several clients and one of those clients was a small local T-shirt printing company. The owner was retiring and selling the business and so Tana convinced her to sell it to her. She had been working on the books so knew the business' finances (no better transparency than that) and it's potential From $5000 per month to $1,750,000 gross: So how did she turn a good little local business into a a 7 figure ($1,000,000+)  national business? How did she finance the purchase of the business? How did she get more clients, and how did she finance the expansion of the business? How did she decide what products to start producing besides Tshirts Did she have to pay heavy marketing to expand if so what channel and what cost?  How long did all this take? What were her biggest stumbling blocks? Ah-ha moments? What would she recommend an entrepreneur doing starting today do or do differently?Come learn her secrets to hiring, firing, negotiating with government entities, and how to survive any roadblock from divorce to Covid.  How does she find and keep great employees while growing? Is there such a thing as growing too fast? How did she get so many government contracts is there a secret formula to win the bids? How does she work with non-profits and are they good profitable clients? How did she shift to working with online retailers and how is that different from local government or sports clubs?  How did she weather the Covid storm given that manufacturing type businesses seemed to be a hot bed for the spread of   virus?Come learn exactly how she did it and what tips she can give any woman entrepreneur. There's so much more to it than a Business Degree!#tanasandoval #businessowner #businessmindset #torrancebusiness #printingbusiness