The Investigation Guru

Episode 2 - Vanessa Guillén
This is the second full-length episode of The Investigation Guru podcast. The Investigation Guru is the official podcast for Red Door Investigations. Please also check out Episode One of the podcast where we discuss the psychology behind infidelity as well as some tips to help overcome the betrayal.
Caution: This episode might be disturbing for some listeners. This is a horrible case and is not one for the kiddos.
In this episode, we discuss the gruesome and disturbing case of Army PFC Vanessa Guillén. She went missing from Fort Hood in Kileen, TX in April of this year. Another soldier, US Army Specialist Aaron David Robinson, 20, is the main suspect in Vanessa Guillén’s death. After bludgeoning her with a hammer, he folded her body into a tough box, put her in his truck, and departed the base. He then called his girlfriend to help him set her body on fire before dismembering and disposing of her remains.
Over a month went by with nothing breaking. A group of workers found her remains and called police. Police quickly set Rodriguez as the main suspect, as he was the last person to see her alive. As police approached to arrest him, he took his own life. Authorities later arrested Robinson’s girlfriend Cecily Aguilar for conspiracy to tamper with evidence in connection with the disposal of the body.
This episode is also on YouTube!
Here is the sworn affidavit in the Cecile Aguilar case.
Cecily Aguilar Criminal Complaint
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Tune in next time when we discuss the international travesty of human trafficking and the sex trade.
Thank you for listening to this episode of The Investigation Guru podcast and we will see you next time!